Thursday, June 01, 2006

Who Are You?

Today I met some people for the first time. The first was a couple who came to pick up some old hymnals we had been storing for them for at least 7 years. The other was our new insurance agent. During the conversations with them, I learned about their backgrounds, their jobs, their families, and how they enjoyed life here.

Great people, and I really enjoyed our conversations.

Tonight though as I reflect on the day and those conversations, I realize how we humans work so hard to get our "publicity work" done. In almost every initial conversation, we all seem to work to make sure the people we're talking to know who we are. Yet - think with me here - there are a lot of ways we could say who we are, and not all of them are equal.

It starts early.

Karrin Quinnell is an adorable little girl who blesses New Hope with her boundless energy, and terrifies us with her ability to disappear without warning. We used to call her "Kezzie", one of the cuter nicknames I had ever heard, and one that fit her perfectly. Last night she brought me a plastic plate with a plastic egg on it, and an empty toy cup. I said "thank you Kezzie", I love eggs and coffee. She said "it's hot chocolate, and my name is Karrin." Mmmm... hot chocolate and fried egg.

It's still tempting to call her by her nickname, and sometimes like last night I slip up, but she sets me straight. Karrin is how she wants to be known.

She could say she is the daughter of Robert and Stacy Quinnell, or the granddaughter of Jim and Mary Quinnell. And she will later on, but for now, she's Karrin.

My prayer is that one day, all that will change.

When I was reading the Bible today, I stumbled across something that I never really noticed about the apostle John. Now I've read John's gospel dozens of times, and his letters frequently. In that gospel, and in those letters, John wants people to know Jesus. In them, even though he's John the theologian, John the apostle, John the evangelist, John the teacher and John the leader of a community of faith, how does John want to be known?

One of them, the disciple whom Jesus loved, was reclining next to him. John 13:23

It hit me tonight that there are a lot of ways to identify yourself to others, but being someone Jesus loves trumps them all.

John later, reflecting on this himself must have been as amazed as I was to think of being loved by God.

How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! 1 John 3:1

There's no better way to be identified. Who am I? One of the people Jesus loves. If you know Him as Lord and Savior, you are too. And my prayer is one day Karrin will come and tell her pastor that "I'm the one Jesus loves."

What a difference that love can make.


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Or visit New Hope!

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Learning the Law of Love

Live creatively, friends. If someone falls into sin, forgivingly restore him, saving your critical comments for yourself. You might be needing forgiveness before the day's out. Stoop down and reach out to those who are oppressed. Share their burdens, and so complete Christ's law. If you think you are too good for that, you are badly deceived. Galatians 6:1-3

Yesterday was the day set aside by our nation to remember the sacrifices of men and women down through history. In this military town, every day is memorial day. For almost every family knows someone who has paid the price, or is in harms' way right now. For those who gave that "last full measure of devotion", we give thanks and remember.

Back home, there are battles aplenty too.

Families are under incredible pressure and some are showing the strain. People who are prone to wander away from the path God has laid out for them find themselves trapped in a "Groundhog Day" life experience. They seem to make progress, then they fall away. Others are facing the uncertainty of finances or health concerns.

So when Paul wrote the Scripture above to the people in Galatia, he was just sharing what every pastor since would like to say to those who seemingly are untouched by the "war" going on.

Find a way to love people.

They'll frequently disappoint, occasionally amaze, and sometimes break your heart into a million pieces.

Love them anyway.

That's what Paul was saying you have to do to learn Christ's love of love.

Go ahead, get it out. I know you are reading this with a real need to say... "Yeah, but.."

Okay, here's your disclaimer -

There but by the grace of God go you and I.

My deep desire is that our church become a group of people who love each other fiercely from the heart. There's too many places where people are eager to point out what's wrong with someone, and not nearly enough places of refuge where people who know what it means to be broken help others become whole.

So folks, let's stoop, let's reach, let's do whatever it takes to practice Christ's law of love.


David Wilson

Visit with me at my blog:
Or visit New Hope!