Wednesday, April 14, 2004

To Kill A Mockingbird
Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.
John 15:13 (NIV)
Today when I came to church I had a visitor. A fledgling mockingbird was just outside my door. Possessing all the parts needed for full mockingbird status, he is still too young to fly, so he was hopping around in the yard outside.

Later this morning, I got to thinking about his eating prospects and laid down some birdseed for him. Didn't think any more about it, until a minute ago when I looked up and saw him out front, being assaulted by a crow easily four times his size.

I jumped up and prepared to take care of the crow, but suddenly mockingbirds appeared - from everywhere. They began flying at the crow - wave upon wave of them until he flew off with some of them still in pursuit - pecking at his feathers. I must have seen ten almost instantly appear.

Others took up position around the fledgling, casting a wary eye on me. I'm praying the little guy makes it off the ground soon. But if he does, it will be as a direct result of his fellow's actions on his behalf.

You know we're not any different in that way.

What we are - what we become - is so often a result of what others have done and continue to do for us. The love they show throughout, helps us grow until we can make it on our own, and when we fall, that same love helps us recover.

Those mockingbirds were willing to be hurt, to be injured, even to die in order to save one who needed help. They might have failed, but they were going to make it hard to kill a mockingbird.

When people act with the same Christ-like love toward others, we may not see everyone come to faith in Jesus, but we've done everything we can do.

My question today is - When is the last time you laid your life down for another?

When a group of people do that - it's called a church.

And it helps everyone in it find a place of security, of peace, and room to spread their wings and fly within God's purpose for their lives.


David Wilson

This devotional is written by David Wilson, pastor of New Hope Baptist church in Valparaiso, FL. If you find you have received this via a forward and would like to receive it regularly, or find you no longer wish to receive it, drop me an email at and I'll make the change to the list. If you'd like to know more about New Hope, visit our website at . May God bless you.

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