Friday, September 24, 2004

"Blue is my favorite color"

Mark 10:15 (Msg)
"Mark this: Unless you accept God's kingdom in the simplicity of a child, you'll never get in."

While I was checking the mail this morning, a mother and her daughter walked by. I had seen them in the neighborhood, so said hello and asked how they made out in the hurricane.

The mom then explained...
about the loss of power,
the loss of everything they had in the freezer,
the loss of income since her business was closed for a few days,
and the loss of shingles from their roof.

Then she said:
"We went and got tarps from FEMA to cover the damage until the roofers get around to us. They don't look too good, that blue really sticks out on a gray roof."

Her daughter looked up and me and smiling said, "blue is my favorite color."

Sometimes children teach their parents, if we'll listen.

Think about it.

The mom was telling me about things that had happened, lamenting really, about losses that had occurred. She was working in the past, from what was wrong.

Her little girl, like all children, was living in the now. And that folks, is where we have to live too.

We've been given today - because today is all we can handle. So find a reason to praise God in the midst of wherever you find yourself.

"Blue is my favorite color."

Mine too.



This devotional is written by David Wilson, pastor of New Hope Baptist church in Valparaiso, FL. If you find you have received this via a forward and would like to receive it regularly, or find you no longer wish to receive it, drop me an email at and I'll make the change to the list. If you'd like to know more about New Hope, visit our website at . May God bless you.

1 comment:

Unknown Preacher said...

How many times and in how many ways does scripture instruct us to be more like children?