Thursday, September 30, 2004


Bobby's been coming to church a week now, and from what I can tell, he seems to be enjoying it. Playing with the other little ones does seem to take a lot out of him though, as I noticed Sunday morning he slept through my entire sermon.

But what do you expect from a dog?

Yes, Bobby's a dog. It's not unusual for us to have some dogs show up on Wednesday night with their owners. In fact, last night we had four in all. But Bobby has been very consistent in his attendance, and as his pastor, I wanted to commend him.

Really though, the praise should go to Ellen Fannon, as she is the one who's bringing Bobby with her to church. While he's here, Bobby learns about obedience, about how to get along with others, and experiences things he otherwise wouldn't.

Bobby's learning about life, and his caregivers are seeking to teach him while living it.

We have other little ones here whose parents haven't understood that lesson yet. At New Hope, we've always been thrilled to be a part of teaching children and youth about life, and especially about life in Christ. It's exciting to see them learn and grow.

But we only have them for a couple of hours a week. Given that, it is pretty hard for us to change the habits that form the rest of the week. Unless the parents are teaching about living the Christian life while living it, the kids will forget how to really live. That's why the Bible is so insistent on how to teach your children.

Deut. 6:4-7 (Msg)
Attention, Israel!
God, our God! God the one and only!
[5] Love God, your God, with your whole heart: love him with all that's in you, love him with all you've got!
[6] Write these commandments that I've given you today on your hearts. Get them inside of you [7] and then get them inside your children. Talk about them wherever you are, sitting at home or walking in the street; talk about them from the time you get up in the morning to when you fall into bed at night.

How do you get the wisdom of God inside your children?

By living the life in front of them - everywhere you go. It's impossible to give away what you don't have yourself, so let them see you reading your Bible, and praying to God in praise of His goodness, mercy, and grace. Show them about how much God matters to you by being faithful in worship and Bible study.

Teach the children of how great God is - how loving - how wise by using the creation He has provided and through life situations you encounter. Show them God's love in the rainbow, in a flower, even in His providing us with faithful companionship through pets like Bobby. Let them see you relate to others out of Christ's love to you.

Train them in the ways of God, and His path will be easy for them to find when He calls for their life commitment to Him.

Bobby's life's work is to be a therapy dog, giving aid and comfort to people in need. He's learning how to treat people by being with them.

God's clear intent for we humans is that we learn about Him by doing the same.



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