Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Jo to the world

Walking along the hall of our local hospital, headed to visit a member in ICU, I passed several of the different departments, each of which had decorated their doors for the season. I'm not sure what season though, as it appeared every single expression took great pains not to wish anyone a Merry Christmas.

There was "Happy Holidays" - should be good all year.

Then "Season's Greetings" - only have to change that twice down here, since we only have two seasons.

But finally, I passed a door in which someone had taken silver foil and covered the front, and across the face were the words:

"JO TO THE WORLD." (I think it was missing a letter :)

My question is "Y?"

Is a way of living that emphasizes honesty, integrity, care for your fellow men and women, and selfless living so threatening that it cannot be mentioned? Sometimes I think Harry Potter had the wrong person in mind when he spoke of "He Who Must Not Be Named." It's not Voldemort's name people seem to fear, it is Jesus.

And yet what are they really rejecting?

Suddenly, an angel of the Lord appeared among them, and the radiance of the Lord's glory surrounded them. They were terribly frightened, but the angel reassured them. "Don't be afraid!" he said. "I bring you good news of great joy for everyone!
Luke 2:9-10 (NLT)

Friends, it is good news. No longer does anyone have to live in fear.

Unless you choose to.

Praying that this time of year is more to you than just a season, a holiday, or debt.

I pray you find JOY!



1 comment:

Unknown Preacher said...

Thanks Dave. It does seem people have gone out of their way remove Christ from Christmas. "Jo to the world" indeed.

I liked the Harry Potter tie in. Good point. Seems the only acceptable use of the divine moniker is as a curse.