Thursday, January 12, 2006

From New Hope, With Love

10Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms. 1 Peter 4:10

It's sometimes hard to describe what God has done here at New Hope. The goal was to see God create a place where people came together to share life's struggles and multiply life's joys, while learning and growing in our love for God and for our neighbors.

We've welcomed all sorts of people into our family here, and seen some move away. The one we sent out last night may very well be the best illustration of the Scripture above as any we'll ever send.

And he's a dog.

Bobbie the Labrador Retriever has been part of the New Hope family ever since Doug and Ellen Fannon brought him here. Their mission was to help him learn about becoming a "guide dog" and part of that training is his learning how to handle crowds.

So Bobbie became our "church dog". He went to all the usual Baptist events. He came to Sunday School, Wednesday night Bible study, but I can tell you as his pastor, what I most enjoyed was his attitude.

It never changed. You'd greet Bobbie, and he always had time for you. He never stopped to answer his cell phone, or began a conversation with someone else. So I was willing to overlook his one flaw - he slept through every one of my sermons. But he didn't snore too loud.

Last night he left us for the last time, and we threw him a party, complete with a special cake just for him. We recognized him for his cold nose, his soft snores, and his willingness to serve. We'll all miss him here, but we know God will use him to bless many others.

Each one of us has the same opportunity. Let's each of us be the "living letters" and sign our lives, "from New Hope, with love."



1 comment:

leah said...

Just stopping by to say "HI" and that I found your blog.