Friday, January 05, 2007

Too Poor To Pay Attention

Recently two guys in Virginia went to the DMV office to have their licenses renewed. No big deal, right? Just takes a few minutes and you are on your way. But these two guys decided to liven it up a bit by showing up in disguises.

Will Carsola and Dave Stewart posted Internet videos of their pranks, which included scenes of Carsola spray-painting his face and neck bright red and Stewart painting the top of his head black and sticking a row of fake buckteeth in his mouth in an ethnic caricature. They each entered the DMV office and return with real licenses with photos of their new likenesses.

In a video, a shaved-headed Carsola comes out of the DMV with a photo of his eyes crossed, and another friend obtains a license after spray-painting on a thick, black beard and mono-brow.

They got their license renewals. But when the Virginia Department of Public Safety caught on, Carson and Stewart were given a week to come back and do them again.

I had to wonder about the people at the DMV office.

We go there once every few years. They are there every day. We may gripe at waiting a few minutes. They are there all day with the patient and the impatient, the nice and not so nice. The people may change but the job never does. So after a while, you might be present in spirit, but the mind, she's checked out of the motel.

They were just phoning it in.

I wonder, how many Christians have done that?

Friends, it's a tough life. Following Jesus goes against our nature, against our culture, and against what most of the people around us during the week would do. And over time, it can seem to be a dull routine. So we look for "Our Best Life Now" or the "Prosperity Way of Living" or the like, seeking something else. Something easier. A shortcut to God.

Well, here's what the Bible says...

13 "Don't look for shortcuts to God. The market is flooded with surefire, easygoing formulas for a successful life that can be practiced in your spare time. Don't fall for that stuff, even though crowds of people do. 14 The way to life— to God!— is vigorous and requires total attention.

Matt 7:13-14 (MSG)

The way to life - to God - is vigorous (characterized by forceful and energetic action or activity) and requires total ( entire: constituting the full quantity or extent; complete) attention.

You cannot phone it in.

Friend, you give your time to many things each day, and you spend your talents and energy on a host of activities. Put Jesus at the center of your life. Work for Him in whatever you do. He's given you everything, so you are not too poor to pay attention to Him.


David Wilson
Lead Pastor, New Hope
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