Tuesday, April 25, 2006


Think about it with me.

You take 30 or so elementary school boys and girls. Then you gather them together in a place where they'll get lots of attention. Add to that many instruments that can make noise. What do you have? Either one of my all time favorite words - a cacophony, or another word I like, a symphony.

It was more like the latter Saturday here.

Each year the city sponsors "Saturday In the Park" near our house. And this year the "ORFF" from Valparaiso Elementary came to perform for the crowds. It was really interesting to watch them before they performed, as groups of kids gathered and "smacked their hands" in rhythm. I think you could miss each other as long as you clapped at the right times.

The director came out though, and the kids took their places. Once they began, it was obvious to everyone that they had practiced a lot, and been skillfully taught - they were great! At the end of the first song, we were told that they volunteered to come before school each week to learn and practice.

On the last song, they began with one student's drum. Then another added a portion. Another instrument then came on board the song. And again and again and again, each person's part came and went, blending together to make the music. Were they perfect? No, but they were glorious.

I couldn't help but think about our church (and churches everywhere). With a common score, a skilled director (in our case, The Director-God), and a desire to grow and make "music", great things will happen for the audience of One

Here's my prayer for all of us, as we learn how better to love God and each other.

May He keep us centered and devoted to Him, following the life path He has cleared, watching the signposts, walking at the pace and rhythms He laid down for our ancestors.
1 Kings 8:58 (The Message)


David Wilson

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