Friday, April 28, 2006

Who? What? When?

I was reading an article about marriages the other day, and read one marriage counselor's own admission that his marriage wasn't what it could be. He described in great detail all the great moments he and his wife had during their years together, and then he was equally as open with the times he had failed to be all he should have been to her.

He described coming home from a conference and having a "spirited discussion (read - argument)" with her, then coming later and apologizing to her. She reminded him of several other times that he had basically done the exact same thing.

His plea was, "But I'm working on it."

She turned to him and said, "Honey, let's say you have a car. It's a great example of what a car should be - a muscle car. And you love it. You are constantly working on it though, and every time I get ready to go somewhere, you tell me 'sorry, maybe later'. Well, I understand that sometimes things break, sometimes things need fixing."

Then she said this, "But after a while, I just want to be able to get in and drive."

Frustration isn't just present tense, is it. We humans very seldom, even though we try, are able to make the past - past tense. Something about our nature hides even forgiven offenses deep within our psyche, and when we get hurt again - out they come.

That's one of the reasons I love God so much. He has what we lack.

33"This is the brand-new covenant that I will make with Israel when the time comes. I will put my law within them--write it on their hearts!-and be their God. And they will be my people.
34They will no longer go around setting up schools to teach each other about GOD. They'll know me firsthand, the dull and the bright, the smart and the slow. I'll wipe the slate clean for each of them. I'll forget they ever sinned!"

Jeremiah 31 (The Message)

Friends, if you know you need a clean slate - a fresh start with God, and you want to change your life from what it has always been to what you know it could be with God, then here's what you do - ask Him to forgive your sins and give you a new heart.

When He does, He'll give you that clean slate, and He'll choose to forget all the wrongs you've done against Him. Even if you're like the guy in the illustration I began with, God's the place to start if you really want to change. He can give you what you need to really make a difference in all your other relationships.

And if you were to ask Him about something He's forgiven, instead of hearing about it in detail, it would be more like - Who? What? When?

Freedom from guilt. Hope for tomorrow. Truth for today.

How great is our God!


David Wilson

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